Chapter 9. Cleanup backups

You can remove old backups to limit the space your backups consume on your local hard drive. It's important to note, that only local backups will be cleaned up. So whatever kind of Sync you are using. Cleanup won't touch your remote files.

If you want to remove your synced backups as well, currently the only way to do this is to use the Rsync sync with it's delete option.

Table 9.1. Supported types of cleanups:

Capacity Define the size your backups should occupy. If your backups start to exceed this value PHPBU will start to delete backups, starting with the oldest ones.
Outdated Remove backups older than a configured time-value. For example "2W" to delete all backup older than two weeks.
QuantityKeep only a configured amount of backups.
Stepwise Keep different amount of backups for different periods of time. For example keep all backups you made for the last 3 days, keep one for each week for the last 4 weeks, keep one for each month for the last 6 month and one for every year for at least 3 years.

Cleanup by capacity

Remove oldest backups if all created backups exceed the configured limit.

Table 9.2. Capacity-Options

sizestringyes-Space your backups are allowed to occupy. e.g. 500M for 500 Megabytes or 1G for one Gigabyte.
deleteTargetbooleannofalse If you don't want to keep any backups locally, just specify a size of "0B", set this to "true" and even the current backup will be deleted.

Example 9.1: capacity XML example

<!-- cleanup capacity: keep 250 Megabytes of backups -->
<cleanup type="capacity">
  <option name="size" value="250M"/>
  <option name="deleteTarget" value="false"/>

Example 9.2: capacity JSON example

  "type": "capacity",
  "options": {
    "size": "250M",
    "deleteTarget": "false"

Cleanup by date

Remove backups that are older than a configured value.

Table 9.3. Outdated-Options

olderstringyes-Time to keep backups. e.g. 1m for one month or 20d for twenty days.

Example 9.3: outdated XML example

<!-- cleanup outdated: keep backups for 2 weeks -->
<cleanup type="outdated">
  <option name="older" value="2W"/>

Example 9.4: outdated JSON example

  "type": "Outdated",
  "options": {
    "older": "2W"

Cleanup by quantity

Keep only a configured amount of backups.

Table 9.4. Quantity-Options

amountstringyes-The amount of backups to keep.

Example 9.5: quantity XML example

<!-- cleanup quantity: keep the last 20 backups -->
<cleanup type="quantity">
  <option name="amount" value="20"/>

Example 9.6: quantity JSON example

  "type": "quantity",
  "options": {
    "amount": "20"

Cleanup stepwise

Keep more backups in the recent past and keep less backups for the distant past. The following table illustrates how this works.

        | for x days  | for x days        | for x weeks           | for x month keep   |
        | keep all    | keep one per day  | keep one per week     | keep one per month |
backups | ............| . . . . . . . . . | .       .       .     | .                . | 

So if you start to backup now your amount of backups will grow for the configured years to keep at least one backup. But by then the amount of your backups will be constantly the same.

Table 9.5. Capacity-Options

daysToKeepAllintegeryes0Days to keep all backups you made.
daysToKeepDailyintegeryes0Days to keep at least one backup you made a day.
weeksToKeepWeeklyintegeryes0Amount of weeks to keep at least one backup for each week.
monthToKeepMonthlyintegeryes0Amount of month to keep at least one backup for each month.
yearsToKeepYearlyintegeryes0Amount of years to keep at least one backup for each year.

Example 9.7: stepwise XML example

<!-- cleanup stepwise -->
<cleanup type="stepwise">
  <option name="daysToKeepAll" value="2" />
  <option name="daysToKeepDaily" value="5" />
  <option name="weeksToKeepWeekly" value="3" />
  <option name="monthToKeepMonthly" value="4" />
  <option name="yearsToKeepYearly" value="10" />

Example 9.8: stepwise JSON example

  "type": "stepwise",
  "options": {
    "daysToKeepAll": "2",
    "daysToKeepDaily": "5",
    "weeksToKeepWeekly": "3",
    "monthToKeepMonthly": "4",
    "yearsToKeepYearly": "10"

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