Chapter 10. Logging


You can create a simple json logfile with PHPBU's json logger.

Example 10.1: json XML example

<!-- create a json logfile -->
<log type="json" target="backup/log.json"/>

Example 10.2: json JSON example

{"type": "json", "target": "backup/log.json"}


PHPBU uses SwiftMailer to send backup reports to one or more configured E-Mail-Addresses. If you just want to get notified if something went wrong, you can use the sendOnlyOnError option to not send any E-Mail on a successful backup.

Table 10.1. Capacity-Options

recipientsstringyes-List of emails separated by semicolon.
sendOnlyOnErrorstringnofalseSending reports only if something goes wrong.
subjectstringnoPHPBU Backup Report from $HOSTNAMEE-Mail subject of the backup report.
transportstringyes-SwiftMailer Transport that's used to send the E-Mail (mail, sendmail, smtp, null).
sender.mailstringphpbu@hostname-The sender E-Mail-Address
sender.namestringnoOS-UserThe sender name.
sender.namestringnoOS-UserThe sender name.
sendmail options    
sendmail.pathstringno-Path to local sendmail binary.
sendmail.optionsstringno-Sendmail options (e.g. -bs).
SMTP options    
smtp.portstringno587Port to use to connect to SMTP server.
smtp.hoststringno-SMTP hostname.
smtp.usernamestringno-The SMTP login.
smtp.passwordstringno-The SMTP password.
smtp.encryptionstringno-Type of encryption (e.g. ssl).

Example 10.3: mail XML example

<!-- use mail to keep up to date with you backup creation -->
<log type="mail">
  <option name="transport" value="mail"/>
  <option name="recipients" value=""/>

Example 10.4: mail JSON example

  "type": "mail",
  "options": {
     "transport": "mail",
     "recipients": ""


You can call a webhook and phpbu will send report data to the webhook.

Table 10.2. Webhook-Options

uristringno-URI to call
usernamestringno-Basic auth user name.
passwordstringno-Basic auth password.
methodstringnogetHTTP request method (get, post).
contentTypestringnoapplication/jsonPost method request body content type.
templatestringno-A template to use for the request body For example if you want to you xml over json.

Example 10.5: webhook XML example

<!-- call webhook -->
<log type="webhook">
  <option name="uri" value=""/>

Example 10.6: webhook JSON example

  "type": "webhook",
  "options": {
     "transport": "uri",
     "recipients": ""

If you change the request method to post by default you will receive a request body in the following format.

Example 10.7: Default request body example

  "status": 0,
  "timestamp": 12783781381,
  "duration": 234.3402,
  "backupCount": 1,
  "backupFailed": 0,
  "errorCount": 0,
  "errors": [],
  "backups": [
      "checks": {
          "executed": 1,
          "failed": 0,
      "crypt": {
          "executed": 1,
          "skipped": 0,
          "failed": 0,
      "syncs" => {
          "executed": 1,
          "skipped": 0,
          "failed": 0
      "cleanup" => {
          "executed": 1,
          "skipped": 0,
          "failed": 0

If this format doesn't work for you, you can define your own request body with a template.

Example 10.8: Template example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <error class="%class%" message="%message%" file="%file%" line="%line%" />

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